Title Technical Consultant - Training Content Development
Timeline 3 Months
Expected area of expertise Content development, Content Writing, Module Development, Technical Knowledge, Training, Media
Last Date of Submission 15th September 2023
Link to Apply https://forms.gle/Z2wLnHZ7hMNvHroV9

About SELCO Foundation

SELCO Foundation, an NGO established in 2010 is working on building a holistic ecosystem for sustainable energy access. In this regard, SELCO Foundation engages in technical, financial and social innovation, enterprise development, skill building and financial inclusion. The organisation works on demonstrating and catalysing the role of renewable energy across verticals of well- being, health, education, livelihoods and the built environment.


With the current climate and energy crisis, the role of a clean, decentralised and sustainable energy source has become crucial. Not only does it provide accessible and affordable energy to off-grid areas, it also ensures a broad space for technological solutions and innovations to counter the current crisis and to work towards enabling the sustainable development goals. Yet there is a huge gap in the sector due to a lack of entrepreneurs/enterprises/organisations across the world, to build and promote a holistic and sustainable energy ecosystem. Selco Foundation, therefore, has been developing programmes to support, train and guide clean energy entrepreneurs and enterprises.

To help build the capacity and skills of CEE’s, in-depth training on the technical knowledge of the solar system is necessary. However there is a dearth of customised and easily understandable learning materials to deliver quality training for the incubatees. With SELCO’s open source policy and aim to develop solutions for the sector, this project focuses on developing modules to impart technical aspects in a format that becomes usable, understandable and with little effort can be contextualised by anyone across the globe.


The objective is to develop training contents for the site assessment of different types of decentralised renewable energy installations ( Health , Livelihood and Basic Energy Access).The aim of the training is to achieve the below mentioned goals.

  • To develop the needed skills of the target audience for the site assessment
  • To provide hands-on support and practical exposure on site assessments
  • To create a complete understanding on conducting need assessment for clean energy interventions

Scope of the Work

The scope of the work is to create customised practical learning resources for the target audiences to build their skills to provide quality services to the end user.

The work will involve developing training content for the target audiences including interactions and workshops with stakeholders, doing secondary research on the required technical aspects of solar energy systems and creating toolkits, modules, decks, (by means of documents, decks, guidelines, self-explanatory checklists and other easy to use formats) which can be used in totality and in modular formats to help build capacities, codevelop programs, or design solutions and tools for the target audiences. Through this exercise, the aim is to capture the concepts, best practices, and system designs to give the learner a complete understanding of the. The document should also be able to guide other stakeholders to be able to replicate these programs in their own contexts and geographies.

Topic Module Details

Need Assessment- for solar system design

Need assessment refers to surveying sites and potential end users to study the feasibility and need for an energy intervention.

(Details - Annexure 1)

Content 1: Health - solar powering of Sub Centre, PHC and CHC with critical load (different capacity)

Target Audience : Clean Energy Enterprises / Last Mile Solution Providers , Solar system designers,Electricians, ITI / Polytechnic youths / College Students , Technicians

Content 2: Livelihood - solar powering of efficient livelihood solutions , understanding of end users' needs , business model, cash flow , requirement of financing , backward and forward knowledge etc.

Category 1: Livelihood Phase 1: Innovation Phase

Target Audience: CSOs / NGOs; Solar system designers,Electricians, ITI / Polytechnic youths / College Students

Category 2: Livelihood Phase 2 : Scale Phase

Target Audience : Clean Energy Enterprises / Last Mile Solution Providers , Solar system designers,Electricians, ITI / Polytechnic youths / College Students , Technicians, COSs/ NGOs

Content 3: Basic Energy Access - solar powered lights , solar powering of schools , Institutions etc with critical load

Target Audience : Clean Energy Enterprises / Last Mile Solution Providers , Solar system designers,Electricians, ITI / Polytechnic youths / College Students , Technicians, COSs/ NGOs

Training plan and materials required for all the modules

● Training materials:

  • Training documents: Facilitator's guide and Learner’s manual
  • Deck for training with activity and experiential-based learning and mapped videos
  • Handouts: Checklist, Templates, Guidelines, etc
  • The content developers should also suggest the duration of training .
  • Training methodology: Classroom sessions, exposure visits, shadowing, VR videos,Videos etc.

Training Target Audience: Ecosystem Stakeholders

  • Clean Energy Enterprise,
  • Solar system designers
  • Electricians
  • ITI / Polytechnic youths / College Students
  • Technicians
  • CSOs

Methodology and approach for content development

The methodology includes, but is not limited to review and usage of existing content, stakeholder consultations, field visits, etc..

  • Secondary research: in-depth understanding and review of the existing program documents, reports, program-specific information, any other relevant training materials, and ongoing training.
  • Stakeholder consultations: Meeting and interacting with stakeholders from across India (including the ones from SELCO’s network) to verify the information and get feedback on the process, documentation, and modules.
  • Field visits: This includes sample site visits to a few i sites to understand the process of site assessment
  • Focus regions: This project is focused on creating modules that can be easily understandable and usable by anyone in the world. The document can cover examples of Indian states where SELCO has installed various technologies.
  • Review and feedback: Three rounds of review and feedback.
  • Piloting of training modules: On-field testing of the training modules and training of trainers on the training modules.
  • Updation of the training deck post piloting

The consultant will also be required to pilot these modules with relevant stakeholders of SELCO:

  • Plan a workshop with stakeholders of SELCO and its partners to pilot the modules and training documents (fund will not be included in the content development)
    This should help in getting feedback and improving the final documents and modules.


Five training modules which include the following training materials:     1. Training decks
    2. Training manuals
    3. Checklists
    4. Guidelines
    5. Templates
    6. Mapping of videos to the modules

Deliverables Required Number Justification
Preparation Plan 3 The preparation plan will help the consultant put down a basic plan for developing the content in tandem with the timelines for submission.
Curriculum 3 The curriculum should be developed for the master trainers , trainers and learners
Facilitator’s Guide 3 The facilitator to give quality training for the learners.
Learner’s Manual 3 The detailed information for the learner’s
Training Decks Training Decks in such a format which can be uploaded on LMS

1 - Livelihood Site Assessment Deck with format for different types of livelihood

Animal Husbandry: Milking Machine , Milk Chiller , Hydroponics , Poultry Lighting , Khowa Making, Chaff Cutter, Vaccine Storage and Vaccine Carrier)

Micro Businesses : Ckali making , Papad Making , Tailoring Unit , Vermicelli Making , Digital Service Centre , Retail Shop , Sugarcane Juicer , Blacksmith Blower, Pottery Value Chain , Spinning Machine

Agri Value Chain : Paddy value chain , Paddy Transplanter , Cold Storage , Millet value chain, Mils (Flour Mill, Dal Mill etc)

1- Health with health assessment format 1- Basic Energy Access with assessment format Total 3 Nos. of training Deck

The decks should be interactive and activity based. The contents should cover the site assessment for Health interventions like solar powering of PHC, CHC and sub centre , Livelihood like solar powering of paddy huller , pulses processing etc interventions and Basic Energy Access interventions like solar lighting , solar powering of institutions
Mapping of the videos required for the training for more hands on experience The content developer should also work on the story of videos along with video maker

Note: We have few old contents available for your reference and review

Expertise Required

  • Agency/ Individual with an experience in content development
  • Technical knowledge and familiarity with solar energy/technology is desirable
  • Experience in the compilation of technical information around Decentralised Renewable Energy is preferable
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Selection Criteria

The technical proposal will be evaluated based on the following general areas:

  • Consultant/ Fellows /Intern experience with technical background (ITI passed students / Engineer) and development sector knowledge
  • Understanding of the aims and objectives
  • The qualifications and relevant experience of the personnel.
  • The financial proposal will be evaluated on the basis of expertise, cost, lead time, and proposed payment terms.

The above points are intended to help in making the learning more holistic which helps in creating a set of modules, decks, etc. Hence, understanding the process of creating these programs, bottlenecks around the same, and ways on how to operationalise it will be critical
***consultant / fellow is to be stationed at SELCO Foundation office in Bangalore during the duration of this project to work closely for this project.The consultant’s representative will have to follow SELCO’s working hours and holidays during the period that they work from the SELCO office. . The modalities can be further discussed and finalized at the time of signing the contract.

Payment Terms & Conditions

Disbursement Milestone
15% Against Signing of contract
20% After completion and submission of the Content 1
30% After completion and submission of the Content 2
35% After completion and submission of the Content 3

Interested consultants / organisations, with relevant experience (please include samples and/or references of the previous similar work as proof of experience) and based out of India are requested to reach out with a detailed proposal giving a brief on the methodology and the process they will uptake for this project, including budgets (with break-ups and explanation), timelines and milestones and submit the same to google form https://forms.gle/Z2wLnHZ7hMNvHroV9 on before 15th September 2023.

Any further queries please write to
procurement@selcofoundation.org with a subject line: “Clarification for Developing Technical Training Modules and Content for Incubation”

Annexure 1


Key Points are to be covered Content
Energy Assessments Objectives, and usefulness of conducting assessment
20% After completion and submission of the Content 1
Introduction to the sites to be assessed E.g. Category of Health centres , Agri Value Chain etc
Overview of Solar PV system and its components Basic understanding on Solar PV system- Principles Components and types
Prerequisites for assessment

Equipment and its usage - Magnetic compass, measurement tapes, power guard metre, smart phone, Clamp metre, pen, pencil, eraser etc, notebook etc.

Forms – Health and Energy assessment forms , Livelihood energy assessment form , Basic Energy Access Format

Livelihood energy assessment form can be segregated into two categories -

  • Phase 1 Innovation : Technology not tested in the field- Details about the requirement of the technology for the particular typology of end user , understanding the present condition of the end users , potentiality of the technology to replicate , potentiality of forward and backward linkages etc
  • Phase 2 Scale : Tested and Piloted in the field - business model , cash flow , financing possibility , end users , existing forward and backward linkages
  • Skills sets required for assessment
    Energy bills and the building layout/ site layout etc

    Assessment format Developing assessment format - health , livelihood and basic energy access
    Process of energy assessments Assessment Process .

    Consultation of key stakeholders – Individual Household - head of the family , Institutions - key person and Health Centres - MO, ANM, Lab Technician, Pharmacist, Senior staff nurse,

    Physical assessment :Initial walk through to understand the infrastructural understanding

    Understanding the operation of particular rooms for health centres and institutions : Room wise capture of details of luminaries and equipment (Quantity and Power consumption and Usage hours (to be checked with the concerned person))

    Understanding of the equipments : livelihood products - capacity surcharge current , usage for how many hours etc

    Livelihood Solutions : forward and backward linkages
    Guideline for capturing the photographs.

    Drawing the layout /collect existing blueprint of the health centre. Guidelines for selection of placement of solar system components Identification of location for placement of solar system components (Inverter/Battery/Panel- Check for the availability of space for panel placement in near ) /Ground mounting in case of non-availability of shadow free area) Understanding on future expansions – (Building/Electrical equipment/Staffing)

    Checklists for the assessment Format for all three categories
    Post Assessment
    Data entry Transfer of data into excel
    Key Points during the assessment Assessment form

    Sample building layout - for health centres or building

    Sample pictures to capture the required photographs - for types of site assessment

    Permission letter - if needed - by the administration or end users or CSOs

    Guideline/instruction for the assessor/volunteer

    Do’s and Don'ts’ for the assessor

    Reporting format

    Annexure 2
    Standard Operating Procedure of Developing Content

    Key Points are to be covered Content
    Steps Details
    Step 1 Setting the goals , objectives and expected output as per the target audience
    Step 2 Secondary research to understand the need of the target audience and standardisation of the contents as per global standard
    Step 3 Review of the exiting SELCO Foundation’s content
    Step 4

    Consultation with different level of stakeholders -

        - Practitioners- Senior , Middle and Junior level (India + Globally)

        - Industry Experts (India + Globally)

    Step 5

    Validation of the content two level at least post content development

        - Practitioners- Senior , Middle and Junior level (India + Globally)

        - Industry Experts (India + Globally)

    Note : Practitioners and Industry experts will be identified by both the partners SELCO Foundation and onboarded Agency / Consultant . Both the partners are supposed to take effort in identification

    Step 5 Revision of the content as per the input
    Step 6 Capacity building of Master Trainers
    Step 7 Piloting of the content and getting the feedback from the trainees and trainers (at least two places)
    Step 8 Finalisation of the contents as per the feedback