title Study on Impact of Ergonomics on Productivity and Wellbeing of Micro business entrepreneurs in Karnataka
Durations 1 Month
Project Area Karnataka
RFP Opening Date 21st January 2024
RFP Closing Date 9th February 2024
Technical & Financial proposals to be submitted https://forms.gle/y7qtuMQKMa3WEgYY7

About SELCO Foundation:

SELCO Foundation’s mission is to create a platform of solutions that uses sustainable energy as a catalyst to bridge environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation. With holistic development as the primary focus, the organization strives to create equitable societies, where services are accessed by all communities. The interventions of SELCO lead to a sustainable delivery model of essential services like livelihoods, education, and health till the last mile. (Read more about SELCO here:http://www.selcofoundation.org