Empowering Women

Embark on a journey into the empowering realms of agriculture on our podcast episode, "Empowering Women." Discover how government support is catalyzing change, enabling female millet farmers to establish self help groups. Uncover the transformative impact as these SHGs embrace solar-powered machinery, fostering self-reliance and sustainability. Join us in celebrating the resilience of female farmers, the governmental initiatives propelling their success, and the pivotal shift towards self-sufficiency through solar-driven agricultural machinery. "Empowering Women" sheds light on a future where women in agriculture not only thrive but lead the charge towards a more sustainable and empowered farming landscape.


Speaker bio :

Satyapriya Sahu - Senior Program Manager, SELCO Foundation

Satyapriya Sahu is a Senior Program Manager at SELCO Foundation, playing a pivotal role in shaping the organization's operational strategies across the state of Odisha. SELCO - anchoring an end-user-centric, demand-driven approach, believing that building ecosystems with a focus on the user leads to sustainable and replicable interventions. With a relentless commitment to last-mile energy solutions for the underprivileged, he has been a driving force in scaling the team's operations in Odisha, contributing significantly to SELCO Foundation's mission of enhancing sustainable energy access for the poor across diverse contexts.

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