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Agriculture output could decline by as much as 30% in the coming years, threatening the livelihoods of 500 million smallholder farmers at a time when the demand for food is expected to rise by ~98% by 2050.

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The agri-food chain accounts for ~30% of world’s total energy demand. Agriculture in India accounts for 13% of India’s diesel consumption.

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Extreme climatic events affect small and marginal farmers disproportionately, disrupt their livelihoods and reduce their ability to take risks or make investments.

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Currently large scale, ill-fitted, inefficient agricultural machinery dominate the market. Agriculture innovations ignore the needs of small farmers who cannot take on increased energy burdens

Sustainable Energy Led Climate Action Plan aims to create space for context-specific and socially relevant innovations in agriculture through

Customising energy-related equipment and technologies for small scale farmers

Inclusive service delivery models, financing for community based institutions

Formulating a balanced adaptation approach to development minimizing contribution to emissions

Always keeping the end user at center, solutions are designed keeping the ecosystem approach in mind. Selecting different commodities, understanding their demand and supply needs and subsequently crafting effective solutions that decrease drudgery and increase income and resilience